Jack just inherited some pajamas from his cousin Boston that say Mommy's Little Monster on them, and the saying fits him well. Jack is a happy little guy, FULL of energy. He keeps me going all day long. When he takes his naps I want to nap myself.
Jack is 10 months today. He loves to pull himself up on everything, he has mastered crawling, he is a great little eater, he loves to play with toys (thanks to Carly, JT and Boston and Errin and Ali for letting us barrow toys), he likes to play peek-a-boo and patty cakes, he giggles a lot, he says mama and dada and most of all he loves his naps, and so does mom. He is a load of fun. He is mom's best little buddy.
Hey! You dont need to be the one who is sorry... IM SORRY! I cant belive Ali. Once we got in the car she calmed down and then we went home and she went straight to bed and slept until 5:30... i think she is just so exsauhted.... She doesnt really take naps anymore and weve been staying up a little later working on the basement and I think she is having these melt downs not only because she is a terrible 2 but because she is tired! but anyhoo.. I will call you later or something! :)
I miss him already and it's been less than a week since I've seen my FAVORITE nephew!! He is so cute and I am glad he is enjoying Boston's old toys. There's plenty more to come his way! Tell Shawn I keep peaking downstairs and smiling! Can't wait to see you again this weekend! Can we sneak out and go shopping for all things pink... I'm just a tad excited!! Love talking to you everyday.. have a good one.. and is it Jack that loves those naps or just you?? Boston took a great one yesterday because I was gone to the doctors and Molly watched him.. ofcourse if I was home and wanted to nap myself.. I'd get an hour! kids!!!
I think EVERYONE can remember the engagement being the HARDEST part of any relationship (so far). I'm just glad time is flying! I'm excited to catch up to all my friends and have a little Jack of my own! :) He's SO cute! I can remember how little he was in your tummy! (cuz that was the last time I saw you I think) haha
I really wanna go play tennis sometime :)
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