Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun But Messy

I found this idea on another blog and so we tried it out! It is pudding finger paint. Like I said it was messy but fun. The best part is we tossed him in the bath after and quickly wiped up the table and it was done! You should try it, it's fun!


Avree said...

What a fun idea! You are such a cute mom! That's so cool that you got to go to the Rascal Flats concert, I'm so jealous but I'm glad you had fun!

Anonymous said...

Good idea. I let Auri play with playdough this week but I was nervous she would eat it so I watched her constantly...pudding wouldn't be so bad though. We'll have to try it!

For pictures...I don't think that we will be in Utah in April or May unless we make an unexpected trip. We are coming on the 16th though and will be in St. George the whole week. (I might go to Salt Lake for part of the time...)but I might be able to do some then if you want. Sorry...I wish I still lived in Utah.

p.s. your hair looks great!

Kwint and Gina Kemp Family said...

Very cute blog! Sorry I missed the group yesterday. Brennan fell asleep while I was driving and I didn't dare wake him up, so we went home. Kaeleb was pretty mad at me because he wanted to go!! Hope you had fun!

The Lamberts said...

Wow you guys have been busy we wish you could have made it up to Logan with us. Your hair looks great I cant wait to see it in person .