So.... Yes we are sick again. Jack has been really sick. We finally took him into the Doctor and he had a DOUBLE ear infection. He is miserable, but they gave him an antibiotic and slowly he is improving. I can't wait to all be healthy again.
We have had two packed weekends in a row. Two weekends ago we had Carly and JT and the little ones here and also my Cousin Devin, his wife Molly and there little one. We jam packed a ton of adventures into a few days. The pictures will show you all of the fun.

Then this weekend we had My Dads best friend, John and his daughter Danielle in town. We weren't much fun to be around because between Jack and myself one of us was coughing. But we did get to have a fun girls afternoon, full of shopping and eating.
Last thing, which is a big thing. I know I've never mentioned this on my blog but that doesn't mean that it isn't dear to my heart.

My darling little nephew Boston was diagnosed with Autism in the past year. It has been a hard thing in my sisters family and in ours too. He is an amazing little guys with a darling personality. Everyone he meets loves him. Carly and JT caught this at an early age and Boston started therapy immediately. Which is very lucky because he has already made leaps and bounds. But the bad part is that the therapy is very expensive. Watch this
clip to see how you can help. The statistics are shocking and will make you realize what a BIG deal it is. Boston I hope you know that we love you and will cheer you on throughout your whole life!