I love the cool crisp air and the fun fall time activities. We had a fun family night with the whole Lambert Clan minus Krista, Beau and the Kids ( we miss you guys). Jack loved every second of it. He is completely boy through and through. He loved playin' in the dirt, running around outside and seeing all of the animals. I wish I would have had the video camera with us. I feel like photos can't capture the moments of excitement that Jack expresses for nearly everthing. He would just squeal when he saw the different animals. He is so fun to raise. He keeps us on our toes and makes life fun.
cute pics! Hey I just found out that I am going to be in Salt Lake for your holloween party, I knew I was going up there but I didn't realize we were staying clear until Tuesday night! I feel bad and Im way bummed! :( But I would still love to take pics for you if you want!
I love to watch your blog with your fun little man. He is (obviously) proportionatly older than ours and I look forward to the stages that are coming up! You guys should come out here some time and play! (Mostly I just want Shawn to tell me about Spain)
such a cutie. I can't wait for Halloween! Love the sweater! That was one of my favorites.
Cute pictures! It looks like a fun night, how nice to have family so close!
Looks like you guys had a fun night. I think we are headed that way this Monday, but we're crossing our fingers it won't be so cold!
hayley, you are so beautiful! I love the fall too. I can't believe I don't even know where you are living right now. I am so behind. Where are you?!
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