Thursday, February 28, 2008


On Thursday afternoons I work at an orthodontics office, so Jack gets to spend a few hours with either one of his Grandma's or my friend Errin. So... I was just getting things ready to go, while Jack was sleeping. I got to my purse/diaper bag and I decided it would be best to clean it out before I drop it off with my mother-in-law. So it got me thinking about the purse tag that has been going around, and I want to say either you all lie or I am the least organized person I know. Not only did I have everything that you guys all had but I too had nearly 20 Walmart receipts, at least 3 pairs of socks ( some Jack's, some mine), Oh course treats: fruit snacks, puffs, crackers, spippy cup....... then not only did I have clean diapers but I also had dirt ones ( don't worry they weren't poopy ones) I had over 10 hair elastics, a whole hand full of bobby pins, gum and gum wrappers, wrappers from millions of other things, and the list could go on and on. Oh one other thing I have a very puky boy, so I had 5 burp rags! So there you have it, my purse has everything you would ever want.
So I have a funny story that Shawn brings up anytime some one mentions a purse. We were at a check out stand at a store and Shawn wanted to order pizza for dinner and he said I wish I had a phone book to get the number to the pizza place so that it would be ready when we got there. So he asked the lady at the check stand if she had a phone book. In the mean time I was rummaging through my purse and just happened to notice that I had a FULL SIZE phone book in my purse, not thinking it would be odd at all I said, " here you go I had one in my purse." Shawn stood there in amazement and the check stand lady just started to laugh.
But I can top that story. The past few days I kept saying to Shawn that the coat closet door wouldn't shut. I kept thinking that our house must be settling or something. So last night Shawn went to adjust it and he looked at the hinges and noticed they were pulling away from the door frame. So he asked me if I hung anything on that door regularly and I said my purse. He then went on to tell me that it was so heavy that it was pulling the hinges off of the frame. So there you have it, I'm a Purse Junky, what can I say.


Anonymous said...

Im with you...I swear people lie about that purse tag. My bag always has some wonderful treasure in cream cone, hair bows, wrappers, a spoon...I swear they lie...a tampon, a lipstick, a checkbook----yeah right! :) Although I will say I have never hauled around a phone book-you got me there! haha

♥Shally said...

I have to be organized trying to fit enough stuff for 4 kids in one small bag! I clean it out every other day at least, otherwise, I would not be able to stuff in all the junk I have to haul around on a daily basis! :)

Wait till you have 4, Hay. Your diaper bag may be clean, but your house is a MESS!!! ;)

I would love to get the kids together-- maybe we can meet at a park or something now that it is nice outside!

tiffany and darren said...

Let me give you a little secret so you don't have to carry around the phone book. You can get any number from a text message. Enter 466459 (spells google) in the phone number and then the place and location in the text box (example, Pizza Factory. St. George, Ut) within thirty seconds you will have the phone number. If you have a texting plan on your phone it doesn't cost any extra. I use it ALL the time.

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

AMEN!!! I was just thinking yesterday how if I am ever tagged for the purse thing I am going to be honest. I have a bazillion receipts but never the one I need if i need to return something. I have sippy cups and fruit snacks and cheerios. Granola wrappers, leaking pens, melted lipgloss or frozen this time of year. I usually have a shoe or a sock that is now wet from the leaky sippy cup. I think Mom is convinced my scoliosis is due to my HUGE backpack in Junior High and now the weight has just translated to the purse. Your stories were hilarious!!! Especially the phone book one! We must obviously be related! It ususally takes me a couple of minutes at a checkout to even find my wallet or fresh values card and if I trow my keys in my purse I usually have to set Boston down to unlock the car because it take me atleast a full minute to find them! I've missed too cell phone calls to even mention because I can't find my cell in my purse. I think another funny tag would be take a picture of the inside of your car. Again in my case, more sippy cups, fruit snacks, etc. This is gross.. but I even caught Boston trying to get old snacks that had fallen into his car seat and hadn't been cleaned out. I decided then and there I should probably vacuum out his car seat once in awhile. He was so happy to find the treats though!!

Unknown said...

Hayley, That is so funny! I thought my purse was bad! The phone book takes all though!

Unknown said...

That's hilarious. I probably have everything imaginable in my diaper bag, but when I actually carry a purse anywhere, it really is only my wallet, keys, cellphone, but a diaper bag, I have my own little baby pharmacy there, plus anything I might possibly ever need in case of emergency for Logan.