Maybe I am alone in saying this, but does anyone else feel like Marriage is getting more and more disposable everyday? I feel like every direction I turn I am faced with a new marriage falling apart. Honestly it scares me and it has made me really analyze my marriage. Many of the people that are in this situation I have looked up to and thought their marriages "seemed" okay. The bad thing is most the time the excuse is, I'm not happy, I feel like I settled for this marriage, and the best one, I'm addicted to sex... Lame Lame Lame. Honestly the real problem is that all three of those statements start with I and there is where the problem lies. I love this quote “Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other but, rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have. In my judgment, the real essence of happiness in marriage lies not so much in romance as in an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion. Thinking of self alone and of the gratification of personal desires will build neither trust, love, nor happiness. Only when there is unselfishness will love, with its concomitant qualities, flourish and blossom.” -President Gordon B. Hinckley
After I read that quote a few couples popped into my mind, and I am thankful I have them to look up to...
I don't personally know these two, but I feel like I do. Most of you know this story, but for the ones who don't here is why I look up to these two. Stephanie and Christen, a darling married couple with five kids, were in a horrible plane wreck over a year ago. They were both on the brink of death, Stephanie burned from head to toe. Long and great story short, no matter what they look like or what their disabilities are now they are in love. They keep each other alive and look to each other for support. A great example of true love!
Anyone that has made it 60+ years of marriage belongs in my book of good examples of a successful marriage. I am lucky to call these two my grandparents. They always have smiles on their faces and my grandpa ALWAYS gives my grandma a kiss good bye. I love that. They do everything together, and don't ever act like they are sick of each other.
I can't remember a time that I have heard my parents yell at each other. I love that they still take time to go on dates and love to watch old boring westerns together. I doubt very few days have gone by that my Mom hasn't had a full meal ready for my Dad when he got home, his laundry folded washed and put away and the house spotless. I doubt a day has gone by that my Dad hasn't worked his fingers to the bone, provided everything that a family could need and honored his priesthood. I love that my Mom waited for my Dad while he was on his mission, it just adds to there great love story.
I have had numerous conversations with Shawn's Mom about how much pain Shawn's Dad is in all the time and still he wakes up each day and pushes through. She always has a tear in her eye at the end. Corey loves motorcycles, and even though it might not ever happen they always talk about having matcing Harleys and riding together. I hope someday they do.
Shawn's Grandparents have too been married for 60 + years. I love to watch these two. Even though I have never seen them kiss each other or say I love you it is through their actions that I see their love. Grandma Munk has Alzheimer and Grandpa Munk has now had to take on the many roles she had, like cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping, he had some big shoes to fill. And in return Grandpa Munk can hardly walk and without a doubt Grandma is by his side keeping him balanced, I guess you could say one couldn't live without the other.
If you weren't on this list don't be offended, after I started listing a few I realized that there are a lot of you out there that I look up to, thanks. This has made me realize that Shawn and I are in it for the long haul, and there is NO giving up. There may be a lot of divorce happening around us, and my heart hurts for the victims of selfishness, but there are also a lot of great examples around us too. Someone once said that they have a swear word in their house they call the "D" word. Not to be mistaken with the other "D" word :) and it is not aloud in any way shape or form in their house...I think they meant divorce. I too will add that to the list of DO NOT SAY in our house words too. I love you all and I know sometime divorce doesn't always go both ways, sadly. There are many people out there that are divorced and don't want to be, that makes me want to cry. I know that there is a soul mate out there for each of us and I am so grateful I have mine!
Oh come on..we didn't make the list????? I totally agree with every word you said. JT and I have also vested a lot more energy into our marriage lately and I know that when I heard 80% of parents with kids with autism are divorced it Really made me want to fight to Not be in that percentage. I'm so stubborn that if someone tells me there's a good chance something will happen, I have to prove them wrong! You and Shawn are an Amazing couple and I look up to you guys all the time. One other couple that should be mentioned though is G-ma and G-pa Olsen. They really amaze me.. and well anyone that can put up with know.
What a great post! I was just talking to a good friend of mine last night about this. Too many people are selfish and have not learned how to put others first or to at least balance the two. I feel so bad for those people. Divorce will not solve their problems:(
Hayley, thanks for bringing a tear to my eye. That was a sweet post.
We're pretty lucky, aren't we?
One thing divorce couples give us is how NOT to treat your spouse. You were exactly right with what you said. I hope more people can come to realize that. My kids will never hear me or my husband yell at each other. They tell us to stop fighting when Ry is doing the dishes and I'm trying to stop him since he had a long day! I'm lucky to have my soul mate!
Very cute post!! I think the same thing, and the sad part is most people dont flinch and eye to get out of there marriage, some dont even try to fix it... it has happened to a lot of my clients!! I love ALL of your family pictures!! They are so cute!! Just wanted to say hi... hope you guys are doing well!!
well aren't you the cutest most inspiring blogger right now! i loved your post. you were so right and it almost made me cry. times are hard right now and i think people are just getting so down trodden and giving up! its hard but we can do it! YOU AWESOME!:)
Great post Hayley, this has been on my mind a lot lately too.(I am sure you know why) You are such a good person and you really have your head on straight. Shawn is a lucky guy.
I'm with ya. It breaks my heart to see families torn apart. I don't think I could survive that. So so blessed we are.
Perfect post!! very cute and very, very true! It breaks my heart as well... We are so blessed to have our soul mates. I am glad you said it that way! so many people don't believe in "soul mates..." To me that makes NO sense. There is someone perfect for everyone and when you have something so great how can you let it go, how can you treat that someone less than the very best? I just don't understand!
Thanks again, Loved this post!!
You are amazing what a great post! I am going to read it to Josh tonight. I totally agree with you it is sad to see so much of it around. I have always admired you and Sean and your relationship - you always seem so in love. We miss you guys you need to come over and see little Jett!
As I was getting my massage the other day we were talking about divorce and she like me was left with 5 children and she couldn't have said it better she said men have 2 things that start with p one is the priesthood and the other is a penis and they cant have both its one or the other and its true kinda funny but true. Love you a ton thanks for all you do for me your amazing!!!
Such a good post! I just love that quote. It's good to have little reminders now and then!
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