We have been busy, maybe busier than we have ever been, but we made it! We are pretty much settled in our new home, Shawn completed the marathon and the wedding was a success! Watch out this is going to be a long, full post... because we not only have those 3 big things happened in the past few weeks but we have also had a million other things... so here is the run down of what has been happening at the Lambert Residence.
I am so... sick of moving!!! I think I can say that for myself, Shawn, My Parents & Shawn's Parents. We are all happy to be settled. The moving started with Grandma Lambert moving into an "assisted living area" I'm making sure I say it like that or I might offend "someone". Then that left us with a house full of junk, I mean all of Grandma's stuff, and she strictly told us not to throw anything away, don't keep it in the house, and don't get a storage unit! Well that made it fun. We spent at least 3 weeks packing her stuff and filling the garage. My parents were life savers keeping Jack nearly every night until it was done. Shawn did talk her into a storage unit finally thank heavens. Then we began to pack up our house and move to the "new" house. I always tell myself we have moved so often we have it down and it will only take one night, well that's not true, after two weeks of moving us out I started to think we either need to have a yard sale or take a lot of stuff to the D.I. Now all we have left to do is move my Grandparent's stuff back into their house once it is repainted and carpeted. Yeah I can hardly wait.
So now that that drama is out of the way, here are some of the fun things that fall time brings to our lives.
We spent some much needed relaxing time at Staheli's farm. Jack was dirty from head to toe, I was picking dirt out of his ears for days. I love the fall and the crisp night, it was a great night on the Farm.

I always know it is fall when I see runners up and down the streets preparing for the marathon. Shawn and I sat there last year watching the runners come in and he said he wanted to do it again the following year (he ran it 5 years ago). I thought it sounded crazy but when sign up time came around he paid his $70.00 bucks and he was locked in. Of course it ended up being at such a crazy time in our lives but, I should never doubt him, he was amazing, without nearly the amount of training he should of had he finished. Sometimes I wish there was one thing that he couldn't do... but I haven't found it yet. YOU ARE SIMPLY AMAZING! I am so proud of you!

We had a fun afternoon in the theater watching the DOUBLE feature of TOY STORY it was long but Jack never took his eyes off the screen, he loved it!

The much anticipated wedding of Chad and Eryn came and went! It was of course beautiful in every way. Eryn looked absolutely perfect. And everything else was picturesque! Jacks classic line of the day came when I was putting on his white shirt and tie for the 3rd time that day he said,"Mom I hate this shirt." It was a long, but fun day, we are so happy for the both of them!