Monday, May 19, 2008

Jack Is ONE

Dear Jack,
Happy First Birthday. I can not believe that you are ONE. This past year has gone by so fast, maybe because I have had so much fun being your Mom. Thanks for coming to my life, it hasn't been the same since. You have taught me not to judge people and most of all to notice the simple things in life. I couldn't ask for a better job. I enjoy ever minute I get to spend with you. I am so glad that I have been able to spend so much time with you. I am very grateful that I get to be a stay at home Mom. I don't think there is any pay in the world that would keep me from spending my days with you. We have so many fun memories together and so many more to make. Please always stay sweet and lovable. Thanks for being the light of my life. I feel so lucky to have you.
Love Ya,


♥Shally said...

Happy Birthday Jack!

I panic even THINKING that Cam will be one next month.


Errin said...

Yes Jack, Happy Birthday! Thanks for the fun night! Ali loved the sprinklers! :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute Birthday Boy!!! It looks like you guys had a fun party...I looked at Errins blog.

Are you still game for pictures? let me know.

I'll be there from Friday to Wednesday morning. Let me know of a time that would work good for you.

Scott, Brooke, & Mason said...

Happy Birthday Jack!
Love, Mason

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Darling Jack!
Now you're 1!!!!!!! You are so so so cute. Sorry we were on the road and your gift is late but we would never forget such a precious boy! Love you so, Great Aunt Juli, David, and cousins Ash and Dani