Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thank Heavens for this Man

 Yesterday was just one of those days!!!! A super embarrassing/painful thing happened to me. I won't explain (because it is too embarrassing) but there is a  huge gash on my leg/knee/foot, and it kills to walk. But that is not what my post is about. What I wanted to post about was how awesome Shawn is. You know you have a good husband when he repaints your skinned up toe nail polish and buys you flowers to make you feel better. Maybe he is just making up for not answering his phone when I needed more than ever. But in our every days lives Shawn does not get the credit for all he does for Jack and me. He is an amazing husband and father who puts us first in every way, shape, and form. And even if I am a nag often, I love him and couldn't live one day without him.


Kimberly said...

So glad you have him! I hope you are feeling well and that you heal up quickly!

Kim said...

We think shawn is a pretty cool guy too

Sharps said...

Oh cute. So happy you are okay. Hope your knee is better! WE love you guys. Cant wait to hear more about the twinners!

Krista said...

OK, now I really want to know what happened. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does things like that. Shawn is pretty amazing! He's my inspiration!

Ashley said...

Hey Hayley, I left you a message on fb but I don't know if you check that or not? Anywho, I love the entry table that Shaun made you for Christmas a few years ago. Would he build one for me? I would like to stain and finish it so it would just be the construction. Shoot me a message on fb, would ya?
