Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This week Jack got his second tooth, Hooray. They are so cute. The only thing that is not so cute was I was feeding him and he bit me. A friend told me if they bite you flick them on the nose and they will learn that they can't do that, so I tried it and he looked at me and burst out laughing. So word to the wise that doesn't work for all children.
He has started to eat all sorts of food. His favorites are PUFFS. He loves the strawberry or sweet potato kind. He also loves mangoes, carrots, strawberry with granola and of course MILK. Jack is always interested in what Mom and Dad are eating. He always wants to try a bite.
Jacks other new thing this week is splashing in the bath. From the second he gets in there to the second he gets out he splashes. He thinks he is so funny when he gets me wet.


JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Such a cutie pie! He looks just like you in the pic of him in the tub and I love his really smiley picture. I'm counting down until we get to come see you guys!

tracy layne said...

Hey guys! I didnt know you had a blog! I am so glad! I have been wondering how you were doing. Looks like all is well and little jack so no longer little! Wow he is getting big since the last pictures I saw! He is so so so cute! He looks like you both I think.... good mix. :) I haven't seen you guys in so so long but I hope I will catch you soon!

Errin said...

ahh he is so cute! I can't wait to see him again! he really is a fun babe!

photography by Mikki said...

What a cutie pie! Babies sound like so much fun...a lot of work, but all the tub times, and baby food sounds like it is so great.

Lindsey Sharp said...

He is so cute! Isn't it depressing that this time last year we were buying swim suits and counting down until our cruise! I think we should have done it again this year!!! What were we thinking!

Shums said...

landon loves PUFFS too! the peach ones, even though everytime he eats them he chokes. i suppose he'll get it one of these days!

Anonymous said...

Hayley! I would love to!-Im only going to be here today and tomorrow so call me quick if that would work for you. I could still do it another time too though if it doesn't work out. He is so cute! Food time is crazy at our house too-I have to vaccum like every day!

Unknown said...

How cute! I didn't even know you guys had a baby. It's so fun. It looks like Jack and my little guy Logan are pretty close the same age. (He was an April baby) They are so fun right now. It's definitely a good thing when they move, they entertain themselves a little better. :)
-Annie (Goodman) Hadlock

Robyn said...

Haha, someone gave me the "flicking" tip too and said that it made their baby burst out in tears but they never bit again, I think that's a crack up that Jack burst out laughing. He's so so cute Hayley!

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

He is such a cute baby. It made me laugh to read that he burst out laughing when you flicked his nose. I guess you've got to come up with a different way to give him discomfort!