Jack loves to take a bath. His goals while in there are to hold all of the toys at once and to not fall over. Amazingly enough we have yet to succeed at either. Needless to say he still enjoys bath time.
Jack was over at Great Grandpa and Grandma Cash's house last night and he took his first crawling steps. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing? He has really changed a lot lately he loves to say mammamam..... I like to think he is saying mom; wishful thinking. He loves to eat puffs, gram crackers, and nearly anything he can get his hands on.
We just got back from visiting friends and family in Northern Utah. I hate the cold weather, thank heavens for St. George. We had a ton of fun despite the weather. We spent one day with Aunt Annie, Chel and Ali. We had so much fun with them. The next day we spent with Carly and Boston. We went and got Slurpies, played with all of Bostons toys and went to Kangaroo Zoo (a play place with a bunch of jump houses). My camera batteries were dead so no picture, sorry. We had so much fun. Annie, Chel, Ali and Landon met us there. Jack was a little bit too small to do much but he liked to sit on my lap and go down the slides. That night it was Aunt Sonja birthday so we went to Grandma Olsen's house for cake and ice cream. Jack loves to go to Grandma Olsen's house because she has pretty chandeliers to look at. The next day we spent with Jessica (Ricks/Bybee) and her baby (girl) Boston. Jack is now confused whether Boston is a girl name or a boy name??? It's cute for both. With Jes and (girl) Boston we played a lot. Jack and (girl) Boston are only 3 weeks apart and so they are on the same level. They loved to look at each other and fight over who got to play with which toy. It was great for me and Jessica to catch up on old times. We drove home that night at 8:30 crazy I know. No one wanted to listen to the smart mom, who said that it would be smarter to wait until morning, but we made it home safe and Jack slept most of the way home.